"Lessons about the power of being a 'headquarters economy': Our governor and
legislators might be a little busy now but by next session they should have read a new book
called "Headquarters Economy" by business school Prof. Myles Shaver. It's an easy read, but
isn't a recommendation for book club. They need to read it because they likely don't
Minnesota's economy as well as they should - and certainly not as well as Shaver does.
Policymakers in other states might want to pick it up, too. Especially anyone who thought
chasing after Amazon.com Inc.'s second headquarters seemed like a swell idea."
-- Lee Schafer, Minneapolis Star Tribune
"Shaver (Carlson School of Management, Univ. of Minnesota) is an experienced
researcher of strategic decision making in geographic expansions, managerial choices, and
corporate acquisitions. His family's relocation is the impetus for this multipronged inquiry
into the unique headquarters magnetism of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. In contrast to many
analyses of regional power that focus on industrial clusters, Shaver's analysis expands the
concept of headquarters to include clusters of high paid professional and managerial
of firms in legacy locations after parent companies changed hands through mergers (as an
Shaver references the merger of Wells Fargo and Norwest Corporation)."
-- G. M. Klein, Willamette University, Choice
"5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent! Comprehensively researched, clearly written.
book tells the story and provides information on what makes thriving business communities.
Destined to become a classic"
-- Bonnie H. Bennett, Amazon review